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Our tips to relieve sore throat!

Tips to relieve sore throat, naturally…

Autumn, a sign of the new school year, is already here and announces the winter season that is fast approaching. Yes, it is the return of the cold seasons, bringing with them their little ailments that we know so well, including the classic sore throat. No wonder since our throat is, along with the nose, an area where air transits, and therefore particularly daily exposed daily to bacteria. 1

How to differentiate the various symptoms of a sore throat?

Sore throats are mainly caused by viruses (70 to 90%) and for 10 to 20% of them by bacteria, the most common being streptococcus 2. Sore throat can present with different symptoms covering different pains. For example, if the pain is severe, with difficulty swallowing, it may possibly be pharyngitis, if to this is added swollen tonsils it could then be a pharyngo tonsillitis.3 Whatever it is called, the sore throat is painful and will beg relief.

Relieve the symptoms of a sore throat with natural solutions? Yes, it’s possible!

In addition to the many medical treatments offered (including conventional medications and throat lozenges found in pharmacies) 4, here are six natural tips that can provide relief from sore throat symptoms 5 :
  • Drink, drink, and drink some more: it is recommended to drink at least 2 liters of fluid (water, hot drinks such as soups and herbal teas) to soothe irritation and burning in the throat. Moreover, it is recommended to use a straw or a cup to drink, in the case of a sore throat in children 6.
  • Gargle with salt water several times a day. Salt acts as an antiseptic and helps extract water from the lining of the throat.
  • Take honey: Thanks to its antibacterial and cough-suppressing properties, honey can speed up the healing of sore throats by reducing swelling and pain. It can be taken by infusion or in a cup of hot water. However, never give honey to a child under one year of age to avoid getting a serious disease like botulism.6
  • Incorporate garlic into your diet. In addition to its many health benefits, garlic helps fight infection better. It can be incorporated into several dishes, such as a soup made from chicken broth, herbs, vegetables …
  • Change your toothbrush: especially if the sore throat is recurrent. Gradually, bacteria accumulate on the bristles of the brushes and can integrate into your body through small wounds. 5-7
  • Rest and eat healthy: just as stress and fatigue can lead to sore throats, practicing healthy lifestyle habits, getting enough sleep and eating a varied and balanced diet can reduce sore throats.

Try Echinalia*, now available in Canada

Now distributed in Canada, Echinalia is a homeopathic medicine developed by Boiron for the relief of minor sore throats, local irritation and mouth ulcers. Echinalia is composed of two medicinal ingredients, both in mother tincture, Echinacea augustifolia and Plantago major. The Echinalia spray has a long stem that makes it easier to spray to the affected area, without touching it and risking the contaminated. Offered to adults and children over 6 years old, Its small bottle is ideal to carry in a backpack, gym bag, purse or in a coat pocket, to always have it close at hand. If after trying these solutions, your sore throat is still persistent, do not hesitate to consult a health practitioner who, depending on your symptoms, will be able to recommend the best treatments and remedies to favor. * Note: This homeopathic medicine may not be suitable for everyone. Always read the label and follow the directions for use. References: 1 10 conseils pour soulager un mal de gorge – Top Santé ( 2 Chronique santé : les différents maux de gorge ( 3 Maux de gorge – Troubles du nez, de la gorge et de l’oreille – Manuels MSD pour le grand public ( 4 Mal de gorge – Traitements médicaux ( 5 Mal de gorge : 10 conseils naturels contre les maux de gorge ( 6 Mal de gorge | Institut national de santé publique du Québec ( 7 Votre brosse à dents est peut-être pleine de… bactéries fécales – Sciences et Avenir

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