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“The future of Modern Science cannot ignore the medicinal traditions of the past”.

“The future of Modern Science cannot ignore the medicinal traditions of the past”.

The Aboriginal Medicine Wheel of Healing, believed to be 5500 years old, is a simple circle divided into four equal parts addressing human existence: four cardinal points, four animals key to Aboriginal culture, four seasons and four sacred plants used by Aboriginal Healers. The basic idea is that a person’s entire being could be healed […]

“The future of Modern Science cannot ignore the medicinal traditions of the past”. Read More »

What if homeopathy could alleviate the current challenges facing the healthcare system?

What if homeopathy could alleviate the current challenges facing the healthcare system?

By clicking on this link, you’ll find an article on homeopathy written by Yvan Bourgault. Entitled “Et si l’Homéopathie venait soulager les défis actuels du système de santé?“, it was published in the virtual magazine Mieux-Être. French version available only. Here is a short extract of the article : “ L’engorgement du système (les listes

What if homeopathy could alleviate the current challenges facing the healthcare system? Read More »

Be prepared for the flu season!

Be prepared for the flu season!

With the onset of the cold season, reduced sunlight, fatigue, back-to-school stress, and more time spent indoors, where pathogens circulate easily, our bodies are more vulnerable. Even if we maintain a healthy lifestyle and a balanced diet, the body becomes less able to resist external aggression. Among the “recurrent” viruses, comes influenza or flu. This

Be prepared for the flu season! Read More »

Schussler Salts … what is it?

Schussler Salts … what is it?

Cell Salts, also known as Tissue Salts or Schussler salts are homeopathic medicines. Nevertheless, they are considered to be a specific subcategory among homeopathic medicines. Homeopaths, naturopaths integrate them into their practice. They are used by health care practitioners to help patients with different conditions. Let’s discover their specificities and history. Where do the Schüssler

Schussler Salts … what is it? Read More »

Prone to Bruises? Here’s How this Daisy Doppelgänger Can Help You Heal

Prone to Bruises? Here’s How this Daisy Doppelgänger Can Help You Heal

Below is an article on Arnica Montana, entitled “Prone to Bruise? Here’s How this Daisy Doppelgänger Can Help You Heal” and written by Renée Reardin. This article was published this May in Best Health Magazine, and is now available on their website. Arnica montana is a plant that’s been used for medicinal purposes for five

Prone to Bruises? Here’s How this Daisy Doppelgänger Can Help You Heal Read More »

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