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Coughing is a reflex that clears the airways. It can come from a variety of sources, and can be wet, dry or even hoarse. A dry cough can evolve into a wet cough, and vice versa. It’s important to have a cough characterized by a health care practitioner, so that it can be relieved with natural health solutions such as homeopathic treatment.


A cough is a symptom, which can sometimes be a sign of illness. It is a reflex reaction to irritation of the respiratory tract. It can have various causes. To relieve it, it’s essential to characterize it. Dry cough or wet cough? There are solutions to soothe coughs, including homeopathic medicines that can be individualized, on a case-by-case basis, by a health care practitioner.
Understanding the coughing mechanism
Coughing is the sudden, audible exhalation of air from the lungs. It frees the airways (bronchi, trachea and larynx) abnormally congested by foreign bodies (dust, fine particles, foreign bodies inhaled via a false route) or mucus (infectious or allergic secretions). Coughing protects the parts of the lungs (pulmonary alveoli) that enable gas exchange (oxygen, carbon dioxide).
Coughing is a natural defense reflex. Receptors in the mucous membrane of the trachea and bronchi react to the slightest irritation, triggering contractions of the respiratory muscles (diaphragm, intercostal muscles, etc.). Coughs can be triggered voluntarily by the individual or activated reflexively. In fact, it can be very difficult to stop oneself coughing.

What are the different manifestations of coughing?
Coughs can take two forms:
> it can be dry or irritative, without producing mucus ;
> or wet and productive, accompanied by sputum. This mucus may be thick, translucent, yellowish or greenish in color. A productive cough helps to clear the respiratory tract.
Coughs can occur day or night, sometimes in the form of coughing fits, usually of short duration.
When a cough lasts less than 4 weeks, it’s called an acute cough. If it lasts longer, it’s called chronic.

Why is my cough stronger in the evening?
Lying down can cause coughing, making it difficult to fall asleep and sleep. Raising the head of the bed or propping yourself up with pillows can sometimes help reducecoughing fits at night.


What causes coughing?
Coughs can have many origins. It may be linked to an illness such as a respiratory infection, chronic bronchitis, bronchiolitis, asthma, respiratory allergy, a heart problem, whooping cough, inhalation of a foreign body (false route)…
Once a cough is present, many factors can influence it: humidity, heat, pollution, smoking, allergies, stress, etc.
Psychogenic coughs are not uncommon, especially in adolescents. It is not based on any organic disease and is often triggered by nervousness or even conflict. It reflects a non-verbal malaise that requires adults to take care of the coughing teenager.

The must-haves for cough care
What’s the most effective cough remedy? How do I quickly soothe a cough? Here are a few tips for natural cough remedies.

> Improve indoor air quality
– Air all living areas frequently, especially when suffering from dust-mite allergies.
– Humidify the home and workplace with a humidifier or, failing that, a container of water placed on a radiator, particularly in cases of dry, irritating, sometimes hoarse cough, predominating in the evening and at night (acute laryngitis).

> Avoid smoky environments and refrain from smoking.

> Avoid exposure to irritants such as aerosols and dust, which can trigger and maintain coughing.

> Rest and stay hydrated (an adult with a chronic bronchitis cough can expectorate more than a liter a day!)!

> Drink herbal tea made with thyme, lemon juice and hot water, sweetened with honey. Honey has a soothing effect, and this natural cough remedy can relieve a mild cough caused by irritation.

> Respect the rules of hygiene: wash your hands, use disposable tissues and wear a mask.

> Using Homeopathy: To relieve different types of coughs, several homeopathic solutions are available over the counter. A health care practitioner can also recommend an individualized treatment based on your specific symptoms. The health care practitioner can determine whether it is a dry or wet cough and tailor the treatment, accordingly, depending on the symptoms, their progression, and triggering circumstances. Homeopathic medicines are considered among the safest natural health products, with a low likelihood of side effects or drug interactions. They are generally suitable for everyone, including children and pregnant women. They are compatible with other ongoing treatments and are available over the counter or upon recommendation from a health care practitioner.

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