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Our dads: our heroes, no matter how old we areā€¦

FĆŖte des PĆØres - HomĆ©opathieFatherā€™s Day is observed on the third Sunday in the month of June every year. However, it seems to come in with much less fanfare than Motherā€™s Day rightly commands and to be the day that officially kicks off the trueĀ start to the summer season.

As the world inches its way out of post-pandemic confinement, and as we grapple to regain some senseĀ of normalcy, this yearā€™s Fatherā€™s Day 2021 willĀ especiallyĀ be highlighted with due homage, possibly as we have not seen before.

Countless stories have beenĀ recountedĀ about parents of all ages,Ā deprivedĀ ofĀ seeing their children and grandchildren and for a variety of different reasonsĀ such as respecting public health ordinances for the broaderĀ good of our communities toĀ justĀ playing it safeā€“just in case, which will makeĀ these last 18 months assuredly go down into the books of history and of future posterity.

Fathers play a significant role in the lives of their children. They are their heroes, and their protector, or so they try to be as dads. As the adage goes, parenthood (and being a dad) does not come with aĀ how-toĀ manual, but slowly, day by day, through life experiences.

As I look back onto this extremely difficultĀ year,Ā we have all lived through, my thoughts invariably go to my own little champion, my son Noah, and the millions of children just like him who looked upon their fathers for guidance, even comfort, at this complex time, when we were, ourselves, searching for our own way.

It is said that children look up to theirĀ dadsĀ as their heroes. I am not certain if I fit that role these last difficult months. However, Noah, and kids just like him around the globe have certainly become my heroes.

This Fatherā€™s Day, on behalf of the greatĀ BoironĀ Canada team, I would like toĀ honourĀ and celebrate all dads. They have shown outstandingĀ fortitudeĀ and determination during these unprecedented, and also rich in challenges and questioning times. To all fathers everywhere, you will always be our heroes, no matter how old we are.

Thanks for everything dadā€¦

Daniel Dereser
President & CEO


Revision 2021-06-17


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