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Treat cold with homeopathy

Reading time : 3 minutes

The common cold and the associated acute rhinopharyngitis – is an illness that is not serious, but very contagious and is accompanied by annoying symptoms. To relieve these ailments, various treatments are available, including homeopathic solutions, which present a favorable benefit-risk profile for health.


How to treat the common cold with homeopathy?

What are the symptoms of a cold ?

A runny nose or one that is sometimes completely congested, repeated sneezing, tickling nasal cavities, watery and itchy eyes, a loss of smell and taste, and even a slight fever below 38°C: these unpleasant symptoms are characteristic of the common cold. At first, the fluid that flows out is translucent, then it can become thicker and opaque after a few days. A cold lasts about a week, and causes fatigue, discomfort in the ENT area and, inevitably, incessant nose-blowing. Nothing serious, but the days and nights can become very long…


What causes a cold ?

The nasal cavities and sinuses are lined with a mucous membrane that continuously secretes a liquid whose role is to humidify the air we breathe in, trap dust and fight against infectious agents. Under the effect of a virus, this mucous membrane becomes irritated, swells and secretes more fluid. The result: a runny or blocked nose!


How to avoid contagion ?

The common cold is very contagious and can be caused by hundreds of viruses. It is transmitted by direct contact during sneezing, i.e. from one person to another, via droplets of saliva or by the hands; or by indirect contact, via a contaminated object or personal item. Fortunately, a few simple measures can help you avoid catching a cold and spare those around you…

> Wash your hands often: before preparing meals and eating, after sneezing or coughing, after blowing your nose, after going to the bathroom, after taking public transportation and when you arrive home.

> Wash your hands effectively: scrub them with soap for at least 30 seconds. Rinse them under running water and dry them with a clean cloth or air dry.

> Do not touch your eyes, mouth or nose without washing your hands first.

> Blow your nose, cough, sneeze, spit into a paper handkerchief and throw it away immediately. Do not keep it at the bottom of a pocket or bag! If you don’t have a disposable tissue, cough or sneeze into your elbow.

> When greeting someone, avoid shaking hands or kissing.

> Wear a disposable mask when you are in contact with fragile people such as young children, the sick or the elderly.

> Regularly air the rooms of the house and the offices in order to reduce the concentration of undesirable agents in the air.


What homeopathic treatment for the common cold ?

To treat a cold, healthy professionals take into account not only the nature and probable cause of the cold, but also the weather conditions and the patient’s symptoms. They recommend homeopathic treatments adapted to each case: when the cold follows a cold taken in dry or humid weather, when it is accompanied by clear discharge, when secretions are thicker, when the nose is blocked constantly or just at night…. Each prescription is thus personalized. And in all cases, the recommended homeopathic medicines has a favorable benefit-risk profile, are unlikely to cause side effects or interactions with other ongoing drug treatments.


In addition, a few simple gestures to relieve cold symptoms…

– Moisten the nasal mucous membranes with saline solution;

– Sleep with your head slightly elevated to facilitate the passage of air through the respiratory tract;

– Drink water or herbal tea regularly to limit dehydration;

– Do not cover up too much to let the body heat escape;

– Avoid air-conditioned environments that dry out the air;

– Air the rooms of the house regularly and maintain a temperature of around 18° C to 20° C;

– Do not expose yourself to tobacco smoke because it promotes respiratory infections;

– Stop smoking.



1 – E. Pilly: Infectious and Tropical Diseases. 25th edition 2016.

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