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How to sleep well at the end of the pregnancy

Reading time: 5 min

The end of pregnancy is often punctuated by disturbed nights: the anxiety of giving birth, the discomfort of a large belly, the frequent need to urinate… To remedy this, there are some simple tricks that, coupled with a suitable homeopathic treatment, can soothe these troubles.


Finding sleep in late pregnancy

The anxiety of childbirth, the discomfort of a large belly, the incessant need to urinate… It’s no secret that pregnant women experience disturbed nights in the last months of their pregnancy. And unfortunately, there’s still no miracle solution to help the mother-to-be sleep for eight hours straight. However, according to Dr Besnard-Charvet, an obstetrician-gynecologist, it is possible to significantly improve comfort before the day of delivery.


Respect your biological rhythm

Pregnancy corresponds to a very specific physiological cycle. “Pregnant women want to go to bed at 7pm, which is a bit complicated with the lives we lead. So they’ll miss their first sleep and wake up at 6am. And they’ll be exhausted because they didn’t get enough sleep. To avoid accumulating sleep debt, it’s best to go to bed when you’re feeling tired, especially in the evening, when you may want to stay up late. It’s not up to pregnancy to adapt to your rhythm,” adds the doctor.


Consider homeopathic medicine

However, it is possible to analyze the patient’s sleep problems through detailed questioning. Is it insomnia falling asleep, or waking up at night? The aim is to understand “upstream the reasons for the onset of symptoms”, and then prescribe an appropriate treatment. “In particular, there’s a homeopathic remedy for childbirth anxiety that’s perfect for women who don’t go to bed because they’re afraid of giving birth in the middle of the night. Other medicines can help mothers-to-be who are awakened by contractions, anxious women who get up at the same time every night, or patients who wake up at the crack of dawn, panicking because they haven’t had time to do everything they need to do.

If you are pregnant, seek the advice of a health care professional before taking any medication.

A leisurely stroll and a hot bath

Physical exercise is also essential, although overly violent activities are not recommended. “At the very least, take a 15–30-minute walk on the way home in the evening, for example”, explains the expert. And before going to bed, “forget the computer and the pregnancy books, and take a hot bath to relax.

No spicy food

Half of all pregnant women suffer from acid reflux. As the baby takes up more space, “the uterus causes the diaphragm to rise, resulting in gastric reflux”. To relieve this unpleasant sensation,

avoid raw vegetables, spicy foods, cigarettes, alcohol and tight-fitting clothes. “Homeopathy is also an interesting option. It’s not a substitute for anti-acid medication, but it can reduce acidity and esophageal pain.

Comfort and pregnancy pillows

When it comes to comfort, it’s up to each woman to find her own little tricks, so you have to try out different techniques to find the one that’s right for you. Some women sleep half-seated with one or two cushions, or on their side to avoid acid reflux. “Others use pregnancy pillows as a buoy, to be recycled for breastfeeding or the postpartum period,” adds the obstetrician-gynecologist.

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