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Few tips to sooth your cough naturally!

Got a cough? You are not the only one! With more than 30 million visits a year, experts say it’s the first reason why people see a doctor 1. We may cough on purpose (voluntarily) or spontaneously (involuntary). However, even though it can become annoying, coughing, is a natural defense reflex to clear the airways. 2


But what brings on a cough? And how can we soothe a cough naturally? Here are a few useful explanations and tips.

Why do we cough and what causes coughing?

Coughing is a natural way of clearing the respiratory tract. It consists of a sudden, audible exhalation of air from the lungs. Coughing is a reflex that clears the airways and lungs of irritants such as mucus or foreign bodies. These irritants can be of many kinds: smoke or dust, damage to the vocal cords, viruses such as colds and flu, or illnesses such as respiratory infections, chronic bronchitis, bronchiolitis, asthma, respiratory allergies, heart problems, whooping cough or chronic cough. 3

Productive or non-productive coughs, wet or dry coughs: What is the difference?

There are several types of coughs, such as wet coughs which brings up mucus and phlegm and is considered productive. On the other hand, a non-productive cough is a dry cough which does not do anything to clear up the airways. There is also the cough that lingers on after a bad infection: the chronic cough that needs medical attention or the refractory cough, which doesn’t respond to treatment. 4

However, in case of fever or if symptoms persist or worsen, it’s suitable to consult a health care practitioner.

What is “nighttime cough”?

Nighttime coughing is characterized by persistent coughing fits that occur mainly at night. Lying down while sleeping can exacerbate coughing, as mucus accumulates in the airways, causing irritation. Nighttime coughing can be caused by several factors: inflammation of the airways, allergies, respiratory infections, asthma, or gastroesophageal reflux disease (GERD). These symptoms can lead to restless nights, disrupting sleep and causing daytime fatigue.5

How to bring relief to a cough, naturally?

Regardless of the type of cough, you need to relieve it. Here are some tips on how to soothe a cough naturally: 6


        Drink herbal tea made with thyme, lemon juice and hot water, sweetened with honey. Honey has a soothing effect, and this natural cough remedy can relieve a mild cough caused by irritation.


        Don’t forget to add chicken soup in your daily (or nightly) menu. Its medicinal virtue comes from the bone marrow. As it loosens mucus, it helps in soothing the cough. 


        Drink lots of water. Not only to stay hydrated but also to eliminate mucus by coughing.


        Suck on any kind of lozenges which helps to stimulate saliva and calm coughing. Lemon lozenges are especially helpful with a dry cough.


        Humidify the home and workplace with a humidifier or, failing that, a container of water placed on a radiator, particularly in cases of dry, irritating, sometimes hoarse cough, predominating in the evening and at night (acute laryngitis). Add a few drops of eucalyptus oil or peppermint oil to the


        If your cough comes on stronger in the evening, raising the head of the bed or propping yourself up with pillows can sometimes help
reduce bouts of coughing at night.


        Rest and stay hydrated (an adult with a chronic bronchitis cough can expectorate more than a liter a day!) 

Homeopathic medicines can help!

Discover the Stodal syrups** line to relieve dry and wet coughs.

Boiron’s homeopathic syrups, offered to children, ages 1 to 11 years as well as adults, can be a good solution to provide relief from dry or wet coughs, irritating cough, or cough with phlegm. Children’s Stodal Honey * and its adult version, Stodal Honey *, is a real honey-based syrup which does not contain dyes and does not cause drowsiness. A must in the family pharmacy!

Your child suffers from cold and cough at the same time? Try Children’s Stodal multi-symptoms *. Offered to children from 1 to 11 years, it brings relief to cold symptoms such as nasal congestion, runny nose, sneezing; minor sore throat, dry or wet cough, chest congestion*. This Boiron homeopathic syrup is non-drowsy and dye-free and there is also one version for adults too.

In closing, let’s not forget to follow the rules of hygiene to protect others when coughing!

When we cough, we emit droplets containing infectious agents that are vectors of contamination. To avoid transmitting a viral infection and protect those around you, it’s important to adopt a few simple everyday gestures, such as covering your mouth and nose or cough into the crease of your elbow, washing your hands properly and frequently, wearing a mask if you are sick and ventilating rooms properly. These are all gestures we know and must keep in mind to prevent the spread of viruses.7


*This claim is based on traditional homeopathic references and not modern scientific evidence.

** These homeopathic medicines may not be right for everyone. Always read and follow the label.

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