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Understanding baby teething

Watching your child cry and suffer is definitely heart wrenching for parents. It’s even more difficult when they’re very small and can’t communicate what is troubling them. However, if you have an infant, it’s more likely that your baby is experiencing teething. A phase that is not only uncomfortable but painful too, it’s generally accompanied with fussiness. There are, nonetheless, various solutions to help you deal with this stage and make it a less painful process for your infant.

Teething is a long period segmented into multiple phases

Teething certainly does not happen overnight. It’s a long phase starting at around 6 months and lasting up to around 33 months. This time is definitely frustrating for not only the baby but for the parents too. As a result, it is crucial to understand this stage properly and know what to expect to be able to help your little one cope with this painful stage.

Following is a detailed timeline to help you in your understanding:

6 to 12 months

Your baby’s first teeth will start to breakthrough between 6 to 12 months. Generally, the process starts with the lower middle front teeth and is followed by the upper middle front teeth. However, some babies start teething much later than their 1st birthday but this is nothing to worry about, especially if you have a boy.

9 to 16 months

It’s during this period that the lateral incisors of the baby pop up. At around 13 months, the first molars can also appear in certain children.

13 to 19 months

This period is marked by the front full teeth smile. Between 13 to 19 months, children will generally have all of their front teeth and some molars too. The canines also become closer together.

17 to 23 months

By this time, the lower canines are already showing. This period is also marked by the fact that the baby becomes more active. As such, significant bumps that can affect the teeth should be noted and seek advice from your pediatric dentist if needed.

23 to 33 months

At this time, the second molars start to erupt. They can easily be identified as their grooves are deeper.

Solutions to ease teething pain

One of the solutions to ease the teething pain is to give your child a rubber teething ring to chew on. However, avoid all kind of liquid-filled or plastic objects that can break. You can also reduce soreness by applying pressure on the sore area. It also helps to rub the gums with a wet, cool cloth. You can also try homeopathic medicines like Camilia developed specifically for babies and toddlers aged 1 to 30 months. Camilia relieves pain, restlessness, irritability and diarrhea due to teething. Its only non-medicinal ingredient is sterile water and it contains no sugar, no colouring, no benzocaine and no preservatives.


This homeopathic medicine may not be right for everyone. Always read and follow the label.

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