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How to relieve teething?

Looking for relief to baby’s teething? Homeopathy can help…

This text, written by homeopath Nicole Duelli, is now accessible in the Maple Magazine, Spring Edition 2023, available in stands throughout Canada.

Babies are all different, aren’t they? Some are chubby with delightful rolls, while others are long and lean right at the start. Is it surprising that some babies cut their teeth without even a whimper, while others suffer alongside their parents, gnawing fingers, sleepless nights or diarrhea and fevers?

Suffering babies are a perfect case for homeopathy, a natural and safe system of medicine, supported by research and 200-year-old history1. It is especially suited since the remedies are safe for children under two years of ages and help ease symptoms by supporting the body’s natural ability to heal itself.  

Homeopathic medicine made from Chamomilla is the top remedy for teething babies, and you can’t miss a baby who needs it. These infants are cranky and irritable – angry even – and terribly hard to console. In this state, the child is so fussy and sensitive to pain that they may want a toy only to throw it away. Being carried around may soothe temporarily. If teething affects digestion, the stools are loose, smelly, and green, almost like chopped spinach.

A 30ch potency is widely available and acts quickly. For young infants, pellets may be crushed between two spoons, then dissolved in a little water. Repeat until symptoms subside.

Homeopathic medicine made from Belladonna is another top remedy for teething babies and it is the better choice when symptoms develop with suddenness, intensity and even fever. The face is hot, red and congested, the eyes glassy, though the hands and feet remain cold. If Belladonna is the right fit, we often see just a few doses settle symptoms in short order but if the fever is high or lingers, a trip to the doctor for a proper diagnosis is warranted.

When symptoms do not carry the intensity of either Chamomilla or Belladonna, Calcarea phosphorica 6x (also Calc phos) as a Schuessler cell salt is recommended to support the teething process. This mineral salt hastens recovery and supports the healthy eruption of teeth; the low potencies are ideal for daily repetition for weeks if needed. Confused about which remedy to give? Homeopathic combination remedies are also available.

As a practising homeopath, I have been implicated in Canadians for Homeopathy, a consumer-based non-profit organization providing resources to Canadians. Through its website, digital platforms and various actions such as holding webinars and offering access to a directory of certified homeopaths, its goal is to empower the use of homeopathy at home for the treatment of self-limiting conditions and knowing when to consult a professional homeopath. We find that more and more, parents turn to homeopathy to ease symptoms of simple health problems that can be treated at home, since homeopathy is non-toxic, without side effects and often works quickly. Find out more at  


About the author

Nicole Duelli, HP CCH RSHOM (NA),  Classical Homeopath and naturopath

A classical homeopath with a background in naturopathic medicine for which she received certification in Germany in 1993, Nicole Duelli is also certified with the Council for Homeopathic Certification to maintain a widely recognized standard of professional and ethical competence. Team writer /Editor of the award-winning Encyclopedia of Natural Healing (1995), Nicole has contributed her expertise through dozens of articles for magazines. Instructor at the Canadian School of Natural Nutrition and speaker on homeopathy, Nicole, also a mother of two, has been specializing in the health of women, children and families for more than 25 years. She dreams of the day when homeopathy and conventional medicine work hand in hand in Canada as they do in Europe and many parts of the world.;   

Spring Edition 2023, Maple Magazine      







1 – Homeopathy Research Institute (HRI)

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